October 27, 2021 • 2 min read

Financial Literacy Doesn’t Have to Be Scary

Did you know that with the Zogo app, you get paid to learn about finances? Yes, really.

White Rose Credit Union partners with Zogo, a financial literacy company, to allow our young members the opportunity to improve their financial knowledge and make some extra cash while doing it. Zogo has over 300 micro courses that users can take on a variety of financial topics such as building credit, investing, and saving money. These courses provide information in a way that is easy for its users to understand and process.

Users will earn pineapples, Zogo’s currency, as they take courses. Users can redeem pineapples for gift cards to brands like Amazon, Apple, Walmart and more! Zogo is truly a one-of-a-kind app as it is an educational tool that provides a direct monetary incentive for using it.

Apps like Zogo make it possible to promote financial literacy learning to a younger audience. White Rose Credit Union is proud to be a part of encouraging financial literacy to its members. We encourage our members to take advantage of this free service and download Zogo. Make sure to use the White Rose Credit Union access code “WRCU” when you sign up. Happy learning and earning!